We have had a number of meetings with the decom teams of the stakeholders of assets ready for decommissioning recently and the same question comes up time and again to us.
“Would you recommend a full survey prior to tender"?”
Now for us at Technical Waste Services the answer is obvious. YES, the more information you can give people at the tender stage the less they guess. Risk is the biggest driver of cost. If there are many unknowns in the process companies like us will make an allowance in our costings to cover that potential risk.
Does your Asset have asbestos? NORM, Mercury. Is it structurally safe?
We can understand the stakeholder’s point of view but if there are many areas not covered and quantified all that will happen is the company that is successful in bidding will be back asking for the additional scope allowance.
Or if it was a lump sum they will greatly inflate costs to cover risks.. they have to!
We at Technical Waste Services believe the best policy is to have all the information prior to bid. it will create a better submission and relationship in the long run with your supply chain. It will also make sure people who bid have taken the risks into account.
What is the risk to your project is your contractor can not fulfil its decommissioning obligations?
With tubulars, X-Mass trees and topside contaminated with Normally Occurring Radioactive Material and Asbestos which are very hazardous. These hazards need to be identified prior to decommissioning works.
Technical Waste Services would also recommend a period prior to tendering where everyone is invited to look at the project on an open book system where we can all ask the questions needed.
We have been involved with a number of projects now and the ones where there are clear communication and dialogue always go best. Closer to budget and are a much nicer project to work on.
Technical Waste Services are also pleased to announce the launch of our sister company Decommission.it. Decommission.it are set up especially to provide you with key consultants and personnel for your projects. We have specialist offshore Environmental Surveyors, Decommissioning Engineers, Waste Managers, HSE Managers and Decommissioning Commercial Managers with winning experience.